The strange thing about my dreams is that they usually come true.
Before I am much older then this, dear reader, I want to do several things. I have little doubt in my mind that I shall -- this sort of illogical optimism is perhaps the great byproduct of dreams, for although I am present-centric, I am intensely motivated by the future.
So what do I live for, beyond the present moment? Well,
someday soon I shall travel the globe from hemisphere to
hemisphere, wandering without a single destination. All
seven pounds of my office
(minus the bench) will come with me, and the cash generated
from my country-hopping design
stints will (in theory) fuel my continuing expeditions.
Global Roaming Access
will keep me networked for less then you'd expect, and I
shall see the world. I have never been outside of North
America before. This is perhaps my brightest dream, and
I am about 50% to completion.
Here at the homeland, I would also like to own my own wilderness Cabin. Not a mansion, just a cabin, of my own, somewhere lost. Still easy for my friends to find, for I would like to see them often. But Lear Jets... I don't really want to add those to the list, they're a bit snobbish. Canadian-made, though. Can't forget that.
And inside the forest cabin, literal thousands spent on audio equipment. Vinyl & MiniDisc, the only sensible formats out there, paired with vacuum tube preamps, elitist speakers, and an admittedly insatiable appetite for new music. Which naturally leads to...
A radio station?? Yes. Someday I will own a radio station... um, or at least a vested interest. It will be a joint effort, with some of the most musically-centric people I know: my friends. I know the name, but I can't tell you until we launch. This is a later project -- twin decades away even. FM plus RA, and we'd broadcast from right here, on the perimeter of nowhere.
Something with a band, too. Music
is simply too important for me to leave alone... ten years
in a choir (soprano to bass?) may have had something to
do with it. I have three potential names, an unexplained
finesse behind the microphone, and two boxes full of scribbled
lyrics, some of which can make people cry...
These too are my words, and I would like to publish. A sooner dream, perhaps within the next five years. A small book... I have a potential title. I've made many quirky expressions, while acting the journalist, the poet, the webmaster, the freelance, the pundit, and on... whether or not they have commercial merit is the million-dollar question, but to see myself in print would be a ridiculous delight.